November Networking Event

Belton IT Nexus 99 Gavin Street, Auckland, Penrose, New Zealand

PBA invites you to their November evening networking event, to be held on the 29th November at Belton IT Nexus, 99 Gavin Street, Penrose starting at 5:00 pm until 7.00 pm. Mark […]

February Networking Event

Speedy Signs 12 Holloway Place, Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand

PBA invites you to their February evening networking event, to be held on the 15th at Speedy Signs' new premises, 12 Holloway Place, Penrose starting at 5:00 pm until 7.00 pm. Mark […]

Breakfast Event at Hamlin Eatery

How do you pay staff more than a living wage and ensure they spend quality time with their families, while your business goes from strength to strength? Join us for […]

How will Artificial Intelligence affect New Zealand Businesses?

Belton IT Nexus 99 Gavin Street, Auckland, Penrose, New Zealand

Artificial Intelligence used to be something in sci-fi movies, far removed from our experience. But AI and machine learning has rapidly advanced and is predicted to significantly impact society and […]

Electric Vehicles and Your Business

BMW Group NZ 7 Pacific Rise, Mount Wellington, Auckland, Auckland

Record petrol prices and now a fuel tax .... have we got the event for you! Sponsored by Mercury, this event will dispel any misconceptions you may have about EV […]


BBQ at Speedy Signs

Speedy Signs 12 Holloway Place, Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand

Signage and Brand as a Marketing Tactic -  This will be practical branding advice you can implement across your physical and digital world. Join us to hear Rebecca Caroe of […]

PBA March Networking Event

March breakfast, hosted and sponsored by Auckland Harley-Davidson Join us for a catered breakfast and barista coffee in Harley heaven, while hearing speaker Josh Kronfeld. Josh who is a Brand Ambassador for […]

Business Confidence and Our Economy

ASB Regional Centre 381 Great South Rd, Auckland

Hear ASB's Chief Economist Nick Tuffley, at PBA's Tuesday, May 7th event.  Sponsored and hosted by ASB Greenlane, this event is not to be missed! PBA is very fortunate to […]

Need More Sales?

Don't miss PBA's Attain Sales Special Workshop, to be followed by PBA's June free networking event! Say goodbye to missed opportunities and start attracting new and repeat business. Over two […]